I washed my hair with body wash this morning. As a final insult, before I realized that I was washing my hair with body wash, when I snapped the lid closed some body wash shot into my eye.
That's when I decided that a letter from my empty skull might be an amusing thing to read, because apparently my brain is off somewhere, dipping into sun-kissed pools and frolicking across meadows, while I try, brainless, to maneuver school, life and hair washings.
Unfortunately, my empty skull just informed me that while it would love to write a letter for me to post on my blog about its current trials, it really can't do anything without a brain. My skull did mention, however, that it is optimistic about a possible brain return next spring after graduation.
I think that's good news for all of us, but keep in mind, it is only a rumor.
Just say "I can't."
LOL. It DID work once before, didn't it. :)
I think my brain is off with yours. How nice of them to leave us behind.
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