Friday, October 3, 2008


I have been something of a closet blogger for nearly two years. In January 2007, the spring semester of my sophomore year, I ended my teenaged angst-filled journals and started a blogger account, ready to venture into the world of Internet self-proclaimed writers. I have always needed an outlet for my creative energies, and my journals and then my blog provided something of a relief.

Then I offended someone on my anonymous blog. How can this happen, you ask, if the blog is anonymous? While the Internet in general had no idea who I was, several people I directed to the blog did. Out of malicious intent, I wrote a post that wasn’t very nice. I have now learned from that particular mistake, and I am moving on—moving on to sharing my life with everyone at the risk of offending even more people.

No, really, everyone is over it now, the situation merely remains seared into my memory to serve as a guideline for future posts. I have rules now.

One slow Friday evening, tonight as a matter of fact, I decided to start over. I’ve had some good times on my previous blog, but I have a feeling more people want to know what’s going on in my life. I can’t share that old blog with everyone, because I wasn’t writing it with everyone in mind. With the change, I am hoping that everyone won’t stifle me—I need a certain amount of freedom—but we shall see how this goes.

I am not going to talk politics, but I will discuss religion. I am not going to spread gossip—I am going to try not to spread gossip—but I will most likely relate the most recent stupid thing I did or said. I think of myself as something of a social klutz, and that makes for good reading.

As I started to design the blog, I wanted to come up with something witty and descriptive of me. However, I couldn’t think of anything. Not one word popped into my mind that would be able to conclusively define me.

I quickly conducted a mental survey of friends who were most likely awake, able to respond, and willing to offer one honest, descriptive word. I texted them: Can you describe me in one word?

As I had suspected, the response was immediate:

- 10:00 p.m. No … 10:01 p.m. Beautiful. … 10:02 p.m. You cant describe a person in one word unless they’re a debased moron or a simpleton

- 10:01 p.m. Sweet :)

- 10:01 p.m. One word that comes to mind is reflective :)

- 10:01 p.m. No. You’re too multifaceted for that. Even complex doesn’t quite cover it.

- 10:52 p.m. Sardonic

Ah, I love you guys. Come back and keep up with my life. It’ll be quite the hilarious journey, I promise you.


Robb said...

Anonymity can bite back, sometimes.
My blog has offended/hurt/horrified my kids and the very very few of my friends who have actually stopped by to peruse it.
I told them that it my place to lay my life, my loves, my hates, down and out of me. My dumping ground, so to speak.
This is YOUR place. Yours, and yours alone. Those who arrive to visit aren't yours to fret about. Write like you're the last person in the world (well, maybe not, 'cause then who'd be left to read it all??!!). Oh and don't write like me, rambling and rambling. Sometimes it's even hard for ME to read my own stuff.

One word? Unique

Keep The Faith*

Elanor said...

Hey! I love that you used my quote! HAHA. I'm looking forward to enjoying your blog! Bummed that I had to 'create' a blog account to follow you though...I just suck and maintaining these types of things.
Love you!

Robb said...

Say what??!! You had to create an account? I know you're on BlogSpot, but geez, I found yours thru Blogger, aka - GoogleBlogger, BlogGoogle... whatever... Figured if your blog appeared under "Updated Blogs" in Blogger, then y'all'd have access to mine n/p.
Go figure... Danged Google is getting as nosey & intrusive as MikeRoweSoft or Facebook (ugh!).
But thanks, anyways, luv! Trust me, your new account w/ Bloogle will be there forever w/o y'all needing to post a ding-dong thing!!

Keep The Faith*

Robb said...
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Robb said...
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Robb said...

Oh good golly gosh!! My most sincerest apologies to Elizabeth AND to Elanor. My bad...
I got an email about a comment to Elizabeth's entry. Didn't look, didn't read fully and completely, and made the fatal Assumption that the comment was about my comment. Just now came to the realization that Elanor is not Elizabeth, or vice versa.
Please excuse the multiple deleted comments. I'm getting old. The thought processes are diminishing in acuity. Plus, I'm really tired, need sleep to be ready for eye procedure early tomorrow, and am desperately avoiding the bed.

.....robb slinks away, red-faced, with his held low..... ;-)

Elizabeth said...

Oh, no worries Robb! Hehe. Keep up with my blog long enough, and I'm sure you'll read something about me doing worse.

Thanks for your comment, though! I appreciate the advice. :-)

Elanor said...

Lol. Quite understandable Robb It makes for good conversation. Well, I don't know if it's 'good' but it's interesting!